Thursday, January 7, 2010

Personal preferences: Cornbread WITH sugar in the recipe or WITHOUT?

A southern comedian said that cornbread, prepared properly, has to be so salty it sucks every bit of the moisture out of your body.

That may be overstating it, but do any of you -- like the comedian and me -- hate sweetened cornbread, and love ';savory'; or somewhat salty cornbread? My mom always made cornbread you'd eat primarily with cheese or butter or gravy or meat, and she never put a speck of sweetening in it. To us, that would have just been wrong.

When you answer, let me know whereabouts you grew up. I am curious as to whether this preference is a Southern or a Northern thing.

And by the way, I never heard of the concept of sweet and sour until I was about 25. Thanks.Personal preferences: Cornbread WITH sugar in the recipe or WITHOUT?
Although I'm from southern California I love me some mom never made it an adult I've learned to make it for myself and my family...and I stand by the use of sugar in the mix...not so much as a sweetener but as a balance to the salt and it helps to brown and make the edges nice and crisp and the top a smoother - golden brown...WOW I am so hungry now !!!!!Personal preferences: Cornbread WITH sugar in the recipe or WITHOUT?
TV broken Bush? nevermind. LOL. Remember the pants thing? Well my friend, they're still the same pants just a bit dirtier with all the gravy stains and all. It's a matter of Taste if you ask me, if you ask the person behind me it'll be something completely different. Myself, I like it both ways AND some. It all depends on what it's served with, it's a compliment to the rest of the plate and Pallet. Ask what I like with my Chili or Ribs? Cornbread with Green Chili's and Fried corn in it, There's a meal you have to loosen the belt a knotch. So Bush, It's all a matter of Taste, and where did you get those pants, Holy Smokes! and why is there someone standing behind me? Got Butter?
I have always used either buttermilk or sweetened creamed corn in the recipe which is a natural sweetner. I have lived in many Northern, mid-western, and southern states, as well as over seas. (Europe primarily)

As a rule I have found the foods down south to be sickeningly sweet, greasy, overfried, and salty. Especially in Georgia.
cook it without the sugar but put cane syrup on it when you eat it. i think cooking the sugar in it is kind of ghetto trailer delux.
no sugar.. If I wanted cake I'd make a sugar...Kingsport tenn here....
Sugar should be avoided - especially refined white sugar.

Of course cornbread must be savory - some people add sugar to everything which is very bad for ones health.

I was brought up in Oxfordshire, England which is considered South. However, the best Chefs come from there.
I grew up in CA, but both of my parents grew up in the South.

My mom always made her cornbread very dry and salty. I thought I liked it UNTIL I finally made some myself (as an adult) and added a little bit of sugar to the mix ( I did this because I saw that Jiffy brand cornbread uses it). Now I greatly prefer to have a very small amount of sugar.
neither really,

the way my family makes cornbread requires a little sugar but not enough to make it decidedly sweet.

we like to have just the taste of the corn.

our favorite meal is home made chili with cornbread.

I am from the Oregon coast. but my mama is from Minnesota.
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